Comments on: HPE Cray XD670 NVIDIA HGX with CoolIT Liquid Cooling Shown Server and Workstation Reviews Thu, 31 Oct 2024 14:44:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick Kennedy Thu, 31 Oct 2024 14:44:47 +0000 In reply to James.

James – HPE’s HGX tray slides out to service on rails. Dell’s is perhaps the worst in the industry since it requires pulling the chassis out of the rack and disassembly to get to the HGX tray.

By: fuzzyfuzzyfungus Thu, 31 Oct 2024 10:46:27 +0000 Speaking of ODMs and subcontracting; I was a little surprised by how prominently “CoolIT” was presented in the design. Do they have sufficient presence/reputation for not leaking/a de-facto standard for fittings at the rack level that customers specifically want them rather than whatever ODM HP feels like farming out to?

It’s obviously not uncommon for various supplier brands to not be entirely scrubbed(fan labels, PSUs, sometimes some embossing on a CPU socket or heatsink); but they tend not to feature quite as prominently as the CoolIT ones do here.

By: James Thu, 31 Oct 2024 09:40:22 +0000 Slightly awkward sentence structure here:

“Unlike the Dell it requires one to pull the entire chassis out of the rack to replace GPUs, the HPE has a tray with liquid cooling blocks on each GPU.”

So is the Dell better, or the HPE better? Because it sounds like the HPE requires you to pull the entire chassis out, but then you go on to explain that the HPE has a tray for the GPUs.
