Comments on: Building the Improbable Hyper-Converged NAS with the Silverstone CS01-HS Server and Workstation Reviews Tue, 17 Dec 2019 14:15:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Cartwright Wed, 10 Apr 2019 19:22:23 +0000 I believe since this is one compute node, this is technically a Converged Infrastructure (CI), save the single points of failure (power). Hyper-converged Infrastructure implies multiple systems (think two, four, eight, etc.) of these CI nodes with all nodes being tightly-coupled with SDDC to greatly reduce the impact of a single or multiple nodes going offline.

By: Kreak Fri, 09 Nov 2018 22:49:36 +0000 This case has several issues you guys should know.
1) It has very bad capacitors at backplane, after a year or two them could give short circuit and prevents system to power up. Easy to remove backplane or replace capacitors.
2) HDD Cage is a lack of ventilation. Any type of HDD will warm up. The only way to prevent burning of data – is removing backplane.
3) Bottom dust shield not centered with fan’s axis
4) SSD cage has all same problems as HDD cage.

By: Andrew Kay Mon, 03 Sep 2018 13:07:21 +0000 Cool NAS build but how does this qualify as Hyper-Converged?

Hyper-Converged architecture is a cluster architecture where compute, memory, and storage are spread between multiple nodes ensuring there is no single point of failure. This is a single board, single node NAS chassis so unless I missed something, this is anything but Hyper-Converged.

By: Jon Thu, 30 Aug 2018 16:14:20 +0000 *mostly on the os drive still

By: Jon Thu, 30 Aug 2018 16:13:08 +0000 Yes a follow up and how you configured the thier storage and a bit of the reasoning behind it.
The acticle referenced by Patrick is a good start to install the software side but stopped at thing mostly all on the is drive still.

Was wondering also if the 3200$ stated price includes all the drive and ram? Is this from regular web store like new egg, etc… ? Or there was a wholesale discount of some short?

By: Rob Wood Tue, 28 Aug 2018 02:49:16 +0000 I am interested to see how those 2.5″ 4TB Seagates work for you. I know the article said they were SSDs but I cannot find a 4TB Seagate SSD anywhere on their site with that profile. Based on the one pic it looks like they have a hard drive controller board and room on the bottom for a spindle, so I am guessing they have to be these:

I built a 24 drive ZFS (Solaris 11.3) array with the 5TB version on a supermicro platform with a direct attach backplane and 3 SAS contollers and had nothing but issues with those drives. Under heavy load (was using as a Veeam backup target) the disk would timeout and then drop out of the array. All I could figure out was that the drives being SMR had issues with a CoW file system like ZFS.
