The DC-SCM is all over OCP Summit 2022. At its booth, Flex has its module as it pushes further into building everything for systems from power delivery through the motherboards. Here is a look at this new popular BMC technology.
Flex OCP DC-SCM at OCP Summit 2022
Here is the DC-SCM platform at OCP Summit 2022 in Flex’s booth. One can see that the module is designed by Flex and manufactured by Flex.

The DC-SCM is the new OCP standard for baseboard management controllers or BMCs. Companies are using these modules to load custom management stacks along with providing features like being an integral part of the system’s hardware root of trust.

At the show, the company showed the solution running on two servers. Flex can go all the way to L11 rack integration and has solutions for OCP Rack V2 and the new V3 specification. The company did not disclose what servers they had running, other than to say they were next-generation. One can see that they look a lot like theĀ Microsoft AMD Genoa 1P server shown at OCP Summit 2022. The Flex Bodega Bay was a first look at an Intel Xeon Sapphire Rapids system last year. STH saw the same system on the show floor this year but it was labeled 4th generation Intel Xeon Scalable. These two systems were just called “next-generation”, so we took that as AMD EPYC Genoa.

Flex offers Redfish and OpenBMC on its DC-SCM module. It even makes its own interface so one can use OpenBMC on the DC-SCM and have features like easy to use HTML5 iKVM and remote media.
Final Words
Going through photos, the DC-SCM is everywhere at OCP Summit 2022. This seems to be the standard for hyper-scale BMCs going forward. That is not just for servers, but it is also in accelerator chassis, liquid cooling CDUs, and more. For Flex, this was showing that the company could move out of the traditional rack, sheet metal, and motherbaord business as it now makes everything in a rack except for the CPUs, memory, and SSDs.