Comments on: Enfabrica ACF-S Multi-Tbps SuperNIC Shown Server and Workstation Reviews Mon, 18 Nov 2024 19:58:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linh Mon, 18 Nov 2024 19:58:00 +0000 I love the detail on the Thames silkscreen to include the reflection found on the Thames Television ident as the letters reflected off of a facsimile of the River Thames

By: Kevin G Mon, 18 Nov 2024 15:31:16 +0000 I would presume that this chip supports bifurcation down to 8x PCIe lanes to host an 8-way GPU setup. Similarly with leverage two of these chips in a system to provide redundancy inside the host system and be able to connect to each of the GPUs in an 8+8 PCIe lane fashion for full bandwidth there. That’s be an aggregate 6.4 Tbit/s of networking bandwidth that’d can be spread across 100 Gbit to 800 Gbit links. Very impressive.

I guess the only thing left on the wish list would be more PCIe lanes to add some additional CXL 2.0 memory expanders or to increase host CPU bandwidth where main memory sits.
Storage would be another reason for more lanes as well as being able to bifurcate down to 4x lane widths.
