Comments on: Blackmagic Cloud Pod 10GbE USB SSD Sharing Device Server and Workstation Reviews Thu, 26 Dec 2024 17:55:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evan Richardson Thu, 26 Dec 2024 17:55:57 +0000 @Nath: There are better options for that. If you’re attaching external drives in an office to mount to AWS/GCP, you’d probably be better off using a dedicated “attachment” server with a USB3 hub that supports multiple drives, then combine with a an auto-mount script to mount the usb drive. Then you just connect over nfs or something from AWS. I used to work for a cloud storage company and we did this when ingesting customer data, we had two racks of machines that had something like 8-12 port USB hubs that we’d then connect external drives to with customer data for ingesting. Plug 8 drives in, and a script would mount and auto-ingest data off the drive.

Doing something like this over a box like this gives you a lot more room to grow, since you can use multiple drives at once, plus you get the benefit of being able to grab SMART data from the drive, which I doubt this box provides.

By: Nath Wed, 04 Dec 2024 14:44:29 +0000 Great review.

So if I understand this correctly, could I add a Cloud Pod to my local network and then mount it via NFS on machine on the network?

Could solve a very challenging workflow, where we want to access external drives (plugged in the office) from an AWS EC2 instance

By: Kevin G Mon, 02 Dec 2024 15:43:27 +0000 I think you can use it as a NAS for direct video feeds with other Black Magic projects. For example recording 1080P SMPTE 2021 directly to it from a Black Magic camera or compressed 4K from their other recorders. The gear should have all the auto discovery stuff setup on both ends to simplify things. What does surprise me is that this doesn’t seemingly have a means of playing back recorded media as it’d be a pretty nice feature for such an appliance.

The other piece of Black Magic kit that has gotten my attention is a 10 Gbit primary with 100 Gbit uplink network switch designed for AV production work. Decent price compared to the bigger players (Cisco, Netgear, Extreme, etc.) and it has some VERY unique features: an HDMI port to watch video traffic that passes through it. Yeah, there is some security aspects about that worth bringing up but in a production environment where the network is (mostly) private, it is a pretty big deal to preview stuff flowing over the network. The other big feature is the ability directly through the front panel of the switch to do video routing between devices without the need to install an application on a computer that’s on that network. I know a few audio guys dealing with Dante and AVB who’d love that convenient feature if it worked on those protocols. Much will come down to its software as well as the robustness of the hardware. I do like Black Magic gear but they’ve had some lemons in the past: I’ve had 19 of 20 Web Presenters fail on me due to faulty internal power supplies.

By: Ts Sun, 01 Dec 2024 14:40:23 +0000 I would get Mac Mini M4 with 10Gbe then share the drives.

By: Chase C Sun, 01 Dec 2024 03:37:08 +0000 I bought one of these for EXACTLY this use case. We’ve got to transfer acquired sensor data by USB drive. We’ve all got big Dell workstations so we just plug the drive into one of these and process it. I think we paid $399 but it saves us 30 minutes a day so it’s a bargain.

If you’re looking at one of these, the STH review is right. It’s a really simple device and that’s good and that’s bad depending on your expectations. If you’re conceptually thinking it’s a way to turn a USB drive into a simple network share that’s easy enough for my grandmother to use, then you’re about right with the concept.

By: emerth Sat, 30 Nov 2024 20:07:50 +0000 My only issue with it is the price. I can see the use case.
