Comments on: Gigabyte X570 I AORUS PRO WiFi mITX AMD Ryzen AM4 Motherboard Overview Server and Workstation Reviews Sat, 16 Apr 2022 17:41:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Ash Sat, 16 Apr 2022 17:41:17 +0000 @Mark I bought the fanless X570SI a couple of weeks ago too and it’s a great ITX motherboard that few people know about. In addition to the upgraded LAN and WiFi that you mentioned, it also has the internal Type-C header and 3 fan headers (1 for the CPU, 2 small headers that you use short PWM adapters to use. I’m really impressed with this late X570 ITX model.

By: Kris Fri, 18 Mar 2022 17:04:48 +0000 I get that standards are the way they are and that that ‘because that is how we did and do and will do it, and case makers suck’, but why are all the connecters STILL only on one side of the the MB? It seems like a lot of the cramp could be alleviated by using all the wide open space on the other side. It don’t have to be a pizza, does it?

By: Jeremy Thu, 17 Mar 2022 14:01:12 +0000 @Marc Gutt
4 SATA & 2 M.2 is standard on an mITX board. Sure it would be nice if the Ethernet was 2.5G but that isn’t anything to make or break things for 99.9% of home users. Same as only having a single RJ45 port.

FYI I quickly looked at the Z690 mITX boards and they had 2-4 SATA ports & 2 M.2. LAN was 2.5G on all of them and a single one had a 2nd 1G port. Don’t forget that the X570 in this review came out almost 3 years ago (July 2019).

By: cdoublejj Mon, 14 Mar 2022 20:35:30 +0000 the asrock rack unit has BMC and dual 10g intel ethernet.

By: Marc Gutt Sun, 13 Mar 2022 13:27:39 +0000 Only 4 SATA ports, only 2 M.2 Slots, active chipset cooling, only 1 Ethernet port, only 1G ethernet, useless backside cover.. but something special: expensive.

By: Mark Sat, 12 Mar 2022 20:01:39 +0000 Great Review. I bought a “X570SI AORUS PRO AX (rev. 1.1)” in the last 2 weeks and it’s essentially the same board except they updated the chipset to a lower voltage x570 chipset, increased the heatsink so the board is fan less, added 2.5 GbE (but only a single one) and Wifi6e (adds 6ghz wifi channel). Also there is settings in the bios for NVDIMM and ECC, however not sure how many people will be using this on these boards. If buying new, looking for this updated revision of the board is probably a better bet (but also has the same limitation of no dual bios).
