Comments on: Backup Proxmox VE VMs Quickly and Easily Server and Workstation Reviews Sat, 01 Jun 2024 10:37:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anthony Sat, 01 Jun 2024 10:37:01 +0000 You can backup to a ZFS cluster after you create a Directory there and designate it for backups. No need to export it as NFS and connect back to it.

By: Laszlo Balogh Fri, 03 May 2024 07:39:31 +0000 you forgot to mention that you have to install the nfs-kernel-server onto the node to do the export, and one has to do that via command line….

By: Nate C Wed, 01 May 2024 03:39:28 +0000 I was trying to get Proxmox Backup Server to backup my VMs (running PBS in a VM on my Qnap NAS) and the issue I ran into was that PBS expects the backup user to have a specific user id and group ID which is the same on the NFS share, and which is not configurable in PBS. And QNAP’s Web GUI does not allow you to change/set the specific uid/gid because it is too low of a number. If you create the user and group manually with the command line, the new user and group are not visible and selectable in the web interface to allow setting ownership permissions on the new backup NFS share. (and if you try to delete the group from the command line the group delete command doesn’t exist…)

Overall, a somewhat frustrating experience which could be made better if they would just let you configure the backup user uid/gid in PBS to match the NFS share permissions on the Qnap.
