Comments on: VMware VCSP Customers Seeing 10x or More Cost Increases Under Broadcom Server and Workstation Reviews Sat, 24 Feb 2024 16:28:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laurent+Marandet Sat, 24 Feb 2024 16:28:26 +0000 I think that despite a lot of people see KVM as a replacement, it is not the best option.
XenServer design is closer from VMWare, but Citrix likes also vendor lock and is neglecting XenServer.
I used XenServer when there was a free edition, but quickly moved to the fork XCP-NG.
I run XCP-NG for five years with 200 VMs without any trouble. The forum is perfect for answering quickly and for those who want support with XenOrchestra enterprise edition, it costs 600 € / month regardless the number of servers.

By: James Fri, 23 Feb 2024 19:36:19 +0000 This is because during Dell’s ownership of VMware, it was ran into near bankruptcy. For BCM to maintain value of this purchase they had to reduce the waste. While I do not agree with what BCM is doing at all here, I kind of understand it if VMware was that under water from an operations perspective. Ditch the low hanging fruit customers and focus in on the top paying 600 list, make the product suite profitable again, meanwhile screwing 80% of the remaining industry. Hate to tell BCM this, but KVM will probably displace VMware at this point with in 3-5 years from now. With the likes of custom KVM installs, Nutanix, Proxmox,..etc VMware will never maintain the grasp it once had after this. Fun tip, Dell still licenses and sells Nutanix on Dell hardware, they just are not allowed to bring it up to their customers.

By: Morten Brørup Fri, 23 Feb 2024 08:55:29 +0000 Any thoughts on migrating from VMware to Nutanix?

By: Brett Thu, 22 Feb 2024 12:33:27 +0000 Who doesn’t use core licences these days? I remember when Microsoft moved their Ms SQL from a socket base to a core based licence, the price went insane as well. I’m not saying I agree with Broadcom because they are messing up a truly great product and pricing people out of VMware. It will only make the cloud more attractive.

By: Chris Runciman Thu, 22 Feb 2024 03:32:32 +0000 We are strongly looking at

By: Enriquo Polazo Wed, 21 Feb 2024 18:39:17 +0000 @chaim How can you not understand that a free license for a product is an entry point to learning the platform?

I think it was an entry point because it was for me. Other people here agree. It is a common sentiment across forums that ESXi free allowed folks to learn some VMware without spending money (on licenses or memberships) or pirating software.

You’re not going to pass VCP only using ESXi, but thats not the point. The point is to start learning and move onto the next challenge.

I kept VCP for years but left it as I moved to companies who were cloud only. I don’t feel bad about letting it slip now that Broadcom is going full mainframe with it.
