Comments on: VMware Tanzu Community Edition Released Server and Workstation Reviews Tue, 05 Oct 2021 17:52:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: hans Tue, 05 Oct 2021 17:52:24 +0000 “Seems like a too-little-too-late initiative in a desperate search of relevance.” Partly yes. Tanzu (and not necessarily the community edition) is however a fairly easy way to get k8s rolling if you cannot use the big cloud services. I know of a number of large companies in EU who are not permitted (for various reasons) to use non-EU cloud services. (Often about nosey inside and/or outside governments.) Valid EU cloud offers are sparse, and rolling your own via k3s for example also has its limits. Might still be too-little-too-late though.

By: David Tue, 05 Oct 2021 16:31:59 +0000 I wonder who this is for our targeted at. Everyone that’s interested in k8s is already using something else and those that aren’t are not likely to be swayed by this offering.

Seems like a too-little-too-late initiative in a desperate search of relevance.

By: FishnChips IT Mon, 04 Oct 2021 16:03:07 +0000 It’s sad, but you’re right. VMware needed to do this. Tanzu wasn’t ready when we needed to do k8s so we standardized on Google. Since we went Google Cloud more of our new infrastructure is going there instead of on new VMware hosts.
